Monday, February 15, 2010


In the historic footsteps of my Irish ancestors I took the big leap onto the boat and came to 'Merica. Well, it turned out that you can fly now so I just did that. I get sea sick and there is always the risk of scurvy. Moving countries was a big decision for a small girl. I have lived my whole life in Ireland. I have been fortunate enough to have travelled extensively mostly as a result of work. But to live in a different country is a whole other kettle of fish. I was offered a job by my university in a collaborative position at a the University of California-Irvine (UCI). Initially I decided not to take up the offer but a number of personal issues, events and problems in my life lit the fire in me and I decided a change of atmosphere was about due. May 2008 was a blur. I got my affairs in order and June 9th I left Ireland. I am not a person that is accustomed to spending much time in my own company. Summer 2008 I had some family and friends come visit me in California. But mostly I spent a lot of time by myself. I made some really great friends towards the autumn. But I think the time alone initially allowed me to focus and reassess my life.

Moving countries has been a very rewarding experience for me. Comfort zone was where I resided in Ireland. The challenge of starting a new life was scary and exciting. It has moulded my character and allow me to open my mind to new experiences. Having some predisposing lung problems the dampness of Ireland led to numerous bouts of bronchitis and my health has improved dramatically due to the nice dry Californian heat. The quality of life is fabulous and every week brings a new adventure! My research at UCI is coming together into a neat project. My job allows me to travel and broaden my horizons. Who knows I may even venture forth to live in another far away land! Why not! I miss my beautiful family immensely and I should probably convey that more to those folks! Life moves on even in your absence and this has been a big lesson for me. I miss my friends also. But I would not swap the experience. It is all in the pursuit of the person I desire to be. It is all in the pursuit of MY Happiness.

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