Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bush fires

I hate silly tricks and I have decided I want proper magic. Not like the bunny from the hat but mind boggling heart stopping theatrics. I have never been in love. How do you know it's the real thing? If you are asking then it's not in your heart. Once upon a previous time I thought I was in love but it turned out to be a false alarm. Thanks goodness for all involved. My earth symbol was fire and he was wood. Dangerous combination you know. We continually fought bush fires. Mostly arson was to blame.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Food and Sailors

Crackers crunch
You slurp and munch

Salty mind
Eyes are kind

Fill my wine
I'm almost thine

Tomatoes red
You mention bed

My toes curl
A hot mind swirl

Match my lost sock
Found key to my lock

Rhyming days
When you arrived at my bay

Drop the anchor
Sucked in by your bantor

Past Love

This was written recently for me by an old ghost. Sometimes old ghosts should stay under the sheet and haunt else where. By sharing I am removing it from my shoulders and my tears. It is all good though. Happiness runs through my spine now like a train in the night, dark, fast and hot.................

When everything's been torn apart
And there’s nothing left to scream or shout
There’s nothing left for us to say
We’ve said it all before
Surrounded by empty space
Been drifting here for years and years

The words never came
I wanted to say
The way you made me feel
The way I loved you
To do all the things you wanted to do
To be all that you wanted me to be

Where are we now?
Was it all bad?
I want you to see all that you mean me
What if we’d met on a different path?
Is it too late?
What if you’re leaving me in this empty place?

We’ve come this far
I know there was pain
Broken hearts can survive
Is it too late?
I could still be all that you wanted me to be

Where are we now?
Was it all bad?
I want you to see all that you mean me
What if we’d met on a different path?
Is it too late?
What if you’re leaving me in this empty place?

Where are we now?
Was it all bad?
I want you to see all that you mean me
What if we’d met on a different path?
Is it too late?
Is it too late?
Baby, is it too late?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Some recent letters

Dear Mum

Thank you for being the calming voice of reason in my Tuesday. You strip my soul of any glued on yuck and make me feel cleansed again. Like a newborn babe, forgiven before you sin. I am glad we are partnered as mother and daughter as it works well. We blend like flour, eggs and milk to make the most wonderful cake, and you know how much I dig cake.

Love Fi

Dear MR Eggplant Parmesan

Thank you for filling me full of goodness and for getting along with the snowpeas so well. Twas truely a feast and my belly is hungover.

Love Fi

Dear Brain

Thank you for allowing me to understand such complex science and approach experimental design with such ease. I am blessed to have the best grey matter. I should treat you better. In 2011 I promise to sleep more, drink less and think happier thoughts. On a side note I think our biochemistry theory needs improvement but leave it to me, I am on it like Donky kong.

Love Fi

Dear Badboy

Thank you for being the biggest idiot I have ever met and making me think I suck. Infact it turns out I do not and am pretty cool actually. Check it.

Love Fi

Dear Courage

Thank you for joining me on my journey through life. I waited a while for you and it was worth it. Here is to making great leaps into all the known and unknown. Here is to having a heart of a lion.

Love Fi

Come sit under a tree with me

Fiona O'Mahony - RoboticColorDesigns 2010

Puff and Blow - It's Fun!

Fiona O'Mahony - RoboticColorDesigns 2010

2011, Death and New Beginnings

2011: Start: This weekend my Uncle Patrick passed away aged 57 years old. Along with my Mam they were the babies of the family. My Mam rang an older brother to tell him and he responded "Pat? which Pat? Our Pat? Young Pat? But he's just a kid!". We will always look at our siblings with childhood glazed eyes. Pull my hair and I'll tell Mam. He was young and it is a tragedy. I feel for my Mam, her extended family, my cousins, as they reel from the shock of the fresh situation. What do these incidences teach us? Everything must be a lesson. It's OK as I always liked school. We are all here together and we are overlapping in existence. Turn to your Mum and Dad, sisters and brothers, cousins and second cousins, aunts and uncles, lovers and friends. Tell them you love them and celebrate that you are here together caught in this active time bubble until it bursts and the next is created. Not when dinosaurs roamed or when cars will fly like the Jetsons, neither a better time or a worse time but when we can both look at the sky and say how glorious the sunset is that we see with the same eye. Lets show how we care for selfish reasons of feeling satisfied with ourselves and unselfish for satisfying others. Lets smile and say 'what a beautiful day' as we breath the same air. Lets not keep our precious feelings in a vault, lets take a risk in wearing them everyday and watch them glisten in the sunlight. You are all golden to me. I hope I don't forget to tell you. This is my 2011 lesson.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

This New year

Be what bliss is in your own eyes and fall in love with you....